Become an I.C. Spa Products Distributor
I.C. Spa Products Inc. is the trademark owner of the Ossetra®, Okowita™, Okocim™ brands of Iceberg skin care cosmeceuticals and natural lifestyle food products. We not only manufacture and distribute natural/organic products, I.C. Spa provides salon and spa owners globally with the latest training, promotions, implements, tools and equipment in the beauty industry.
How do you know what skin care line is right for your business? How do you choose? Product performance is critical and you need effective, professional treatments with visible results. But there's even more that needs to go into your decision. The line you choose shouldn't just sit on your shelves. The product should also sell for you!
As an I. C. Spa or Master Partnership Distributor, you'll get more than our exceptional professional skin care line. You'll receive amazing benefits and rewards to help grow every facet of your business. And, we won't make you jump through hoops to take advantage of them.
More than just off-the-shelf product lines, Ossetra®, Okowita™, offer a complete regime for natural skin care success.
To get started, tell us a little bit about yourself by completing the form below and we will email you back. If you have any questions please call us at 709-754-7772 or 1-866-443-7SPA.