I. C. Spa Products Inc. (Iceberg Cosmeceutical) wants you to be satisfied with your purchase. Please read our return policies thoroughly We advise that you check shipments (contents) before accepting them.
We do our utmost to ensure your product is packaged and delivered safely and efficiently. On occasion the contents may have been abused without signs of distress on the box (dropping, crushing, thrown or kicked). Open the box in front of the courier before signing. If the product looks like it has leaked or damages have resulted from shipping, do not except it! If possible take a picture with time and date recorded. Return the item in its original box so we can assess the problem and put an insurance claim through. We will give you a replacement or your money back promptly. Call, fax or e-mail us of these events immediately!
If, for some reason, our product does not meet specifications, we have a 30-day return policy on unopened items. Please contact us for further direction.
Each customer will be assessed on a case by case basis.
No merchandise may be returned without prior confirmation.
Returning product will be the responsibility of the customer (like returning merchandise to a store). When returning product, any shipping or fees are the sole responsibility of the customer.
Items that have been opened
I.C. Spa Products assumes no liability for misuse or abuse of its products. All of our products are extensively tested and do not make claims without substantiating them. If you add other ingredients to our bases, testing should be conducted prior to release. Some of our products contain and allergy alert. If you have known allergies it is up to the consumer to carefully read all directions and ingredients related to that product(s). Damage to property, materials or personal injury resulting from ingesting or careless mis-use of our product, we will not be held responsible.
Distributors, or clients of distributors who have purchased a product(s) and there is a problem with the product(s) the client should bring the product(s) back to place of purchase and the distributor will call us directly to clarify the actual complaint. Please note, if any distributor,
sales person, salon/spa/wellness owner, employee,etc. has intentionally or un-intentionally misled individuals with false information or false allegations regarding the usage or performance of this product, we will in no way support those misleading results or exaggerated claims. Thus, distributorship will be revoked.
We have a high degree of cleanliness and thorough testing of all our products before it leaves our facility. We realize, however, that using a number of natural ingredients that are sourced from around the globe may create a minor problem. If you feel that there is a noticeable flaw
in the product report the problem immediately to the place you purchased the Product(s).
Because our orders are processed so quickly, orders cancelled after they have been filled will be charged a 20% restocking fee. The actual amount of time will vary depending upon the season, but in most cases the order will have undergone processing in less than three hours.